Here is the Demo of the plugin News Search Engine.

Please, select one of the three possible options, fill the form below and click on “Search News” to see the result under the form. You can navigate the results through the pagination icons. Click on the “URL” to open the article in a new tab or click on the article image to see the image in a new tab.

  • Sources: This option returns the subset of news publishers that top headlines are available from. It’s mainly a convenience endpoint that you can use to keep track of the publishers available on the API, and you can pipe it straight through to your users.
  • Everything: Search through millions of articles from over 75,000 large and small news sources and blogs. This option suits article discovery and analysis.
  • Top headlines: This option provides live top and breaking headlines for a country, specific category in a country, single source, or multiple sources. You can also search with keywords. Articles are sorted by the earliest date published first. This option is great for retrieving headlines for display on news tickers or similar.


This option returns the subset of news publishers that top headlines are available from.


Search through articles.

Top Headlines

This option provides live top and breaking headlines.

Find sources that display news of this category.

The order to sort the articles in.

Find sources that display news in a specific language.

Note: you can't mix this param with the sources param.

Keywords or a phrase to search for.

Keywords or phrases to search for in the article title only.

A date and optional time for the oldest article allowed.

A date and optional time for the newest article allowed.

A comma-seperated string of identifiers for the news sources or blogs you want headlines from.

A comma-seperated string of domains (eg,, to restrict the search to.

The number of results to return per page (request). 20 is the default, 100 is the maximum.

Use this to page through the results if the total results found is greater than the page size.