Here is a collection of problem-solving, parts of CSS code, PHP, Javascript scripts chosen for you
How to animate HTML elements and slide them in on mouse scroll using CSS and Javascript Today I want to animate a bunch of HTML elements and create an animation that moves them inside the same parent DIV once the elements are in the viewport, so only when the elements are visible to the users. […]
This tutorial will show you how to change your website cursor to any CSS shape and change the shape on hover on certain HTML elements. I have seen a lot of tutorials online about changing the HTML cursor to an SVG icon or to a PGN icon. In my case, I would like to change […]
Marcello Perri
Woocommerce plugin – manage Min Max cart amount and Min Max quantity on the checkout page
Woocommerce Min Max Checkout is a plugin that extends your Woocommerce e-commerce in order to give you the possibility to set the minimum or maximum checkout amount or in order to set a minimum or maximum order quantity on the cart or checkout pages. With Woocommerce Min Max Checkout you can also set e customizable […]
How to add Read More/Read Less button next to a too long HTML element. This tutorial will take you through how to display a certain number of rows of an HTML element and hide the rest of it, then we will see how to read a clickable “Read More” element at the end of the […]
Today we try to analyze the error that appears on the browser inspector and that is a bit tricky to fix and we try to understand what is causing the error, the error is called “Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT“. This error is always followed by an URL, this URL is the link that has […]
Marcello Perri
How to freeze the first row and the first column of an HTML table with CSS, Javascript and JQuery
I was working on an HTML table that displays a list of users and user permission, the first row displays the permission names and the first column displays the name of the users involved. I have noticed that when I strolled toward the right I couldn’t see the user names and scrolling toward the bottom […]
Marcello Perri
Fullscreen Any Element – WordPress Plugin
The Fullscreen Any Element Plugin uses the Javascript Fullscreen API in order to make any chosen HTML element on your website in fullscreen. The Fullscreen API adds methods to present a specific Element (and its descendants) in full-screen mode, and to exit full-screen mode once it is no longer needed. This makes it possible to […]
Marcello Perri
Styling and modifying the first letter of a paragraph in a WordPress post with jQuery and CSS
This tutorial aims to style and change the first letter of an HTML paragraph of the first paragraph (and only the first) of a WordPress post content or page content. Styling the first letter of a CSS div is very straightforward, CSS provides a selector called “::first-letter” that gets the job done, it finds the […]
Marcello Perri
Aggiungere “leggi di piu'” e “leggi di meno” a qualsiasi testo in Javascript e JQuery
Come aggiungere leggi di piu’/leggi di meno alla fine di un elemento HTML troppo lungo. Questa guida vi fara’ vedere come visualizzare un certo numero di caratteri o un certo numero di righe di un elemento HTML e nascondere il resto del testo, quindi vedremo come visualizzare un elemento “leggi di piu'” clickabile alla fine […]